Published Works


"The Hittite"
In print only, The New Ohio Review published this short story in volume 12.  It takes the biblical account of David and Bathsheba and reimagines it during the Afghan War.

A piece of flash fiction, published in Grey Sparrow Journal.  Written from the point of view of a star.

A short story, publishing in Whistling Shade.  A lonely, pregnant woman becomes obsessed with a monastery next door to her.

"So Her"
Juked published this short story, the tale of a young woman whose identity is stolen and who is then curiously stalked by the person who stole it.

"Somewhere Near Gerasa"
So, in a past life (of my present life), I was immersed in biblical studies.  This short story, published by A Capella Zoo, is written from the point of view of the Gerasene Demoniac, a story from the gospels.

"At the End of the Month"
Published in Short Story America, and subsequently anthologized, as well as nominated for a Pushcart, this piece concerns a single mother, a young boy, Halloween, and several mishaps.

"Put it Together"
My attempt at something a little postmodern (structure-wise), published in Amarillo Bay: the tale of young woman who suffered a devastating fall and subsequent deformity.  And her cat.

"Prodigal Son"
Lacuna, a journal of historical fiction, published this piece, which is based on Bronson Alcott's failed utopian community, Fruitlands.

"Come About"
A wife obsessed with both religion and sailing, a husband who can't figure out if he's lost her or lost himself.  This story was published in Drunken Boat.

"A Night Visit to Endor"
Another biblical story reimagined.  This one is a favorite of mine: King Saul's attempt to divine the truth by having a witch call up Samuel's shade.  A Fly in Amber published this one.


  1. Hi Alex,
    I am related to Deborah Sampson in an interesting way and have read a great deal about her...have been composing a ballad based on the more historical accounts having sifted through the sort of garbled versions of her accounts...identity change being a monumental accomplishment in one lifetime, but also points to her being the first female lecturerer in American History being the truly unique contribution she made. I am also interested in the identity change aspect in my own life but not trans-gender although I can very much appreciate its impact. I would love to talk with you sometime about these things.I hope you see this entry and welcome you to get in touch.

    Augusta Rose Diamond

    1. Hello Augusta -- sounds fascinating! I'm so glad to hear that someone else is enjoying the research into this amazing woman. I'd welcome being in touch with you -- easiest is if you email me -- alexmyerswriting AT

